About Me

For all of you out there reading this, I am Pelican, or Mrs. Facehead if you prefer. I have lived most of my life in the Pacific Northwest. Facehead (my hubby) and I enjoy it immensely . I am a proud Navy wife and I adore my husband; he is a great man and a great sailor.

I am currently working in retail, but will be returning very shortly to my calling as a housewife, aka a domestic goddess. Up until this summer, we were proud parents of a 12 yr old Pug; he's our pride and joy and we miss him greatly. In my spare time between laundry, vacuuming, dishes, cleaning up after my boy, I enjoy shopping, fashion (on a budget of course), reading, taking photos, and the outdoors. Although to be truthful with the drizzly Washington weather, I've been doing a lot more indoors lately.

I can't say that my life is entertaining and fascinating to everyone but I want to share what I like, how I feel, and what inspires me at that moment to anyone who wants to know. I'm honored you found this blog and would love to have you join us on our journey through the ups and down of life. If you want to comment or share your thoughts with me, please do! ...pretty please? I promise to read your every word, and will do my best to reply.